113 Chancery Lane

Riedel at 113 Chancery Lane

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Riedel at 113 Chancery Lane

113 Chancery Lane were delighted to host Riedel Glassware and Allens Hire at the venue last week for a demonstration of their beautiful new collection ‘Riedel Veritas’.

The collection enables the drinker to gain the very best notes from the wine they are drinking, with each glass designed for the specific grape variety. The team at 113 Chancery Lane learned how the shape, size and weight of the glass affects the taste and smell of the wine you put in it.

This beautiful glassware is available as an upgrade to all our packages, so that you and your guests can truly get the very best from your wine. Just enquire with the team when you are booking!

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Contact us to discuss your event requirements

Venue Hire: 020 7320 9555 Restaurant: 020 7316 5580